Tag: creativity

  • “how do you set poetry to music?”

    “how do you set poetry to music?”

    A friend recently asked me, “how do you set poetry to music?” and I think there are a couple approaches but the easiest (but also the answer no one wants to hear) is that you just do it. You sit down with your instrument (or without) and start singing the poetry. Oftentimes the hardest part…

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  • Mind to paper

    One of my friends recently asked how a song goes from mind to “paper.” And I think the answer is relative to your experience. When I first started writing music, the song I imagined was always different than the song that came out. Radically different. And I never really cared because hearing a song in…

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  • on making mistakes

    “Sometimes you don’t want to risk making mistakes; you actually want to make them — if only to give you something clear and detailed to fix. Making mistakes is the key to progress.” -Daniel Dennet in Intuition Pumps and other Tools for Thinking Dennett dedicates the first chapter of his book to pysching his readers…

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  • is it good enough?

    “Is it good enough?” is usually the question I ask myself before releasing something I make into the world… which has often been a rare and procrastinated event. But I’ve been asking myself, “what do I mean when I ask, ‘is it good enough?’” And, I think what I’ve meant is: Is it beyond reproach?…

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  • r-e-s-i-s-t-a-n-c-e

    I’ve been thinking a lot recently about Steven Pressfield’s idea of resistance. Resistance is the name for the fear that keeps us from doing creative work. It often shows up in the form of procrastination, doubt, or self-sabotage. The best antidote to resistance is to do the work. Simply do the work that you want…

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  • creativity

    People have radically different views on creativity. Some people believe that in order to be creative they have to be inspired. Others believe that it is a choice. But, maybe it is both.

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