Tag: anxiety

  • you are your safety

    All anxiety boils down to questions around safety: Am I safe in my body? Am I safe in my mind? Am I safe with other people? Are other people safe with me? Anxiety is fear, and fear is a feeling caused by lack of safety. The antidote to fear is not saying that the threats…

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  • day 56

    For the first couple moments of meditating today (day 56 of doing so), it felt like the worry/fear was a river and I was swimming it. Or struggling to swim in it. My mind wouldn’t stop thinking about all the terrible things that could happen and how I could potentially prevent them. But then I…

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  • space

    It is quiet except for the cars passing by, my rings clashing against each other, and the sound of typing. Giving mental space for my body often feels like the escape hatch from anxiety. When I feel like I cannot stop the thinking (often) I begin to go around the day, naming in my mind…

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